
how to remove negative energy from your aura

How To Clear Your Aura: 5 Rituals and Practices

We're rapidly approaching the end of what has been to say the least a tumultuous year. Whilst we can't predict for certain what's in store for us as we enter into 2021, we can prepare ourselves energetically by clearing out our aura, through the help of certain rituals and practices.

5 rituals and practices to clear your aura

Our aura is the result of tiny electrical pulses that move throughout our body, producing our own electromagnetic field. The concept of the aura has been known in many different lineages: from the halos in Christianity of Jesus and other saints, to the concept of prana in yogic scriptures, Chi in TCM, or the circumvent force in Kundalini Yoga to name a few.

Even on an individual level, we can intuitively sense the quality of people's auras - we often say someone has a 'good' energy to them, or they can feel 'off'. This is due to the health of their aura!

The aura changes and morphs over time, reflecting current life situations or one's emotional and physical health. I've actually had my aura photographed multiple times, and each time the colors were completely different!

Some people are even gifted with the ability to see auras, such as Dana Hanekamp (or Mama Medicine), who specializes in medicine readings and ritual baths with a focus on balancing the aura.

By cleansing our energetic body and aura, we begin to feel better and ultimately become more radiant. Having a bright and healthy aura is what attracts amazing people, experiences, and opportunities into our lives. And it also will aid in protecting us from negative energies and emotions filtering into our personal space!

Here are five rituals and practices you can try to clear your aura in preparation for the New Year and 2021.

Sound healing

Sound has an immense ability to change our energetic state and can help to clear out any negative energy stuck in our auras. Sounds with a positive intention and frequency, such as mantras, binaural beats, or Tibetan bowls, will greatly alter the state of your aura.

  1. Play either this track (417Hz) or this track here (Tibetan singing bowls).

  2. Light some incense or a candle, and lay down on a comfortable surface, such as a bed or yoga mat with some pillows/support.

  3. Place a weighted eye pillow over your eyes - a scarf or something similar will also work.

  4. Lay in savasana (corpse pose) and deeply relax as you listen to the sounds. Stay here as long as you like.

sound healing

Ritual Bath

Submerging yourself in water is deeply cleansing for your aura and can leave you feeling renewed. Swimming in the ocean can be particularly purifying, but if you do not have access to the ocean currently (or aren't brave enough to face the cold), a ritual bath will do the trick.

  1. Set up the bathroom space, by lighting some candles and dimming the lights.

  2. Run a warm bath and place one cup of Epsom salts, or another bath salt mix (there are some great ones on Etsy). You could also drop in some essential oils such as lavender or chamomile or whichever is your favorite.

  3. Before you get in the bath, set the intention that you wish to cleanse any negative and harmful energy from your aura.

  4. As you soak in the bath, imagine all the negative energy washing off and falling away. Stay in the bath for at least 20 minutes.

ritual bath to cleanse your aura

Meditation to Brighten Your Radiance

This Kundalini Yoga meditation will expand your aura and brighten its radiance, which will attract more prosperity and increase the amount of prana (energy) in your system. It is recommended you practice it for 11 minutes, but you can also start from 3 minutes and build yourself up from there.

  1. Sit in easy pose (a cross legged position) with your spine straight.

  2. Place your hands in gyan mudra (thumb touching index), and lift up your arms with your elbows bent. Your hands will be hovering in line with your ears, and your elbows away from the body. The fingertips should be pointing straight up.

  3. Make your lips into a clear O shape, and breathe long and deep through the O mouth.

  4. At the end of the meditation, breathe in and hold the breath for 10-20 seconds, then relax.

Here is a visual demonstration.

Breath Of Fire

That buzzy, electrical feeling you get after finishing a round of breath of fire signals the changing of your electromagnetic state (or your aura!). Practicing for at least 3 minutes a day will deeply purify, cleanse, and expand your aura.

  1. Sit in easy pose (cross-legged position) with your hands either resting on your knees or in gyan mudra.

  2. Begin a rapid equal inhale and equal exhale. Focus on the exhale and the inhale should happen naturally. Your navel should automatically start pumping.

  3. Continue for at least 3 minutes and up to 31 minutes, and relax for a few minutes afterwards to notice the effects.

Selenite Healing Wand

The crystal selenite is associated with the crown chakra and has the power to clear and balance the rest of the chakras. It literally draws out the negative energy from your aura, helping to clear any confusion, uncertainty, and judgments which may have attached to you energetically.

  1. Start with holding the selenite wand at the top of your head with the wand about five inches away from your body.

  2. Slowly bring the crystal down your body.

  3. Make sure to do front and back, and to do under the arms/behind the knees as well.

  4. Imagine that you are clearing any energy which is not yours away from you.

  5. Continue for a few minutes.

Here's a video demonstration.

crystal selenite healing wand

KonMari Method

Okay, you may be thinking what on earth does Marie Kondo have to do with aura cleansing? Well if you're familiar with the principles of Feng Shui, you would know that having a lot of clutter and physical things in your space can also take up energetic space. By doing a thorough cleanout of your physical space, you will notice that you will feel a lot freer as well - it's lifting the physical energy out of your aura!

  1. Divide what you have into categories - clothes, books, beauty, etc - and choose one category to start with.

  2. As you go through what you have, ask yourself whether it sparks joy or not. Be ruthless - if you haven't worn or used the thing in years, chances are you won't in the future.

  3. Donate to a charity or a thrift store, sell online, or ask your friends if they would like to take any of the things off your hands.

  4. Work your way through each of the categories over time.

What practices and rituals are you doing in order to prepare for 2021? We'd love to hear from you below!

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Chiara Christian is a Gemini writer with a passion for understanding others and the world around her. You can check out her website here and follow her meanderings @ageministory.

how to remove negative energy from your aura


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